Sexual DictionaryDictionary of the F-Word
baby talk:
1. Speech patterns of children learning to talk , marked by mispronunciations, repetitions and phonetic modifications such as lisping, lalling, stuttering, omission and substitution of sounds, etc.2. Childish style of speech used by adults with children learning to talk , but used also with pets and sweethearts.
See Also: abnormal presentation, adult baby, ass-a-holic, babette, baby blues, baby buggy, baby bust, baby buster, baby child, baby motel, baby talk, baby-faced, babyolatry, bib, breather, bullshit, buster, chat down, chat up, chip the lips, commercial phone sex, computease, cradle-custard, cradle-robber, cradle-snatcher, daddy-type, Danny Debonaire, diaphanophilia, diarrhea of the mouth, didie, full of wind and piss, gaybee boom, infantilism, intergenerational relationship, jazzy jane, lagneuomania, one-way, paper ass, pussy talk, ratchet-jaw, ratchet-mouth, rolling, sass, semi-diesel, soft nothings, squealer, sweet nothings, swiftie, talk slop, talk trash, teat, TTYL, Venus with a penis, word freak
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